Welcome, watch out for the loose soil, and be careful of any suspicious looking stains! (The walls get soft in those spots...) This is my shrine dedicated to Johnny the Homicidial Maniac, a comic series by Jhonen Vasquez.
.......The main character just so happens to be my husbando. Yes, you heard me right. No, I didn't stutter...I truly, honestly, love this murderous idiot. And I'm very aware that he would kill me. I wax poetic about it over here, if you want explanations on why I self-ship with this character.
I use this space to explain all of my neurotic delusions...While there's maybe some content in here for (normal) JV fans, if you're not fond of self-ship/yumejoshi content, this fansite may not be for you. And that's all fine and good, but please, if you're posessed to leave a message, be polite. (.........Haters will be fed to the wall!!!)
If you've never read JTHM before, I wrote a guide with my personal suggestions on how to get into it here. The Further Reference page will lead you to trivia and other JV-related links. The die-ary holds any miscellaneous ramblings that I can't squeeze in anywhere else--typical f/o gushing and any recent developments can be found in there.
Over The Stars
A Johnny the Homcidial Maniac shrine. . .
Latest Update :
A Johnny the Homcidial Maniac shrine. . .

3-1-24 ◦ This site is officially live! Well, sort of. It's more like the bare bones of a site. Sit tight, I'm working on it. This is more of a testing grounds right now than anything.